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GAMS Model 

Basic elements and User’s guide. The bio-energy decision-making tool consists of a modelling section and a geographical information system both embedded in an interface accessible from the web, thus constituting a web based spatial decision support system (web-SDDS). The interactive mode of the tool that appears in the web is used as a means to demonstrate possible uses, at the same time, giving to the user the possibility to participate actively by suggesting parameters and investigating the results. The DSS contains technical, economic, and cartographic information to evaluate alternative bio-energy systems, to determine the optimal size, location and biomass crop cultivations subject to technical and resource constraints. At the optimal solution, it provides spatial and economic information on the bio-energy unit as well as on biomass raw material corresponding to the user-defined parameters. The number and location of land units cultivating biomass is determined by regional supply micro-economic models. As biomass resource is scattered in space, an important feature is the possibility of spatial visualisation of geographical information that enables the user to have a clear idea ofinput parameters and extensively explore results. Successive iterations assist the investigation of different variants of exogenous demand (the tool is demand driven, that is provided by the user based on site specific information at the regional level). Selected result values for different scenarios related to economic, environmental and social impacts of the project, can be stored for further analysis. Based on scenario results, the user may undertake multi-criteria analysis to select among alternative crops, technologies and bio-energy plant location that correspond better to his/her values and objectives. SDSS architecture and web interface design for the case study of “Agricultural biogas development in Lubelski region” are presented in the next paragraphs.

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